Gender Action Plan Volunteer, Application Deadline 17 February 2017 - NAFASI ZA KAZI


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Gender Action Plan Volunteer, Application Deadline 17 February 2017

Gender Action Plan Volunteer

Objective:  To develop a gender action plan for partner institutions for strengthening women empowerment through identification of relevant activities, required needs, and resources.

Level of effort:  Approximately 10 days in Tanzania

Timeframe:  March 2017

Background:   Based out of Dar es Salaam, the Tanzania Enabling Growth through Investment and Enterprise (ENGINE) program is a four-year USAID-funded Feed the Future program awarded through the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA) that aims to streamline and enhance many of the regulatory, informational and financial channels that encourage domestic and foreign investment in the southern agricultural regions of Mbeya, Morogoro, and Iringa, and in Zanzibar.

ENGINE will focus at the district level, using a broad-based approach that works with district councils, private sector associations, business development service providers, financial institutions and micro, small and medium enterprises. The program’s activities are divided into three main components:

Implement policies for growth.   Build the capacity of the private sector to effectively dialogue with the government to set the policy agenda and improve the capacity of the public sector to implement policies.
Equip businesses for growth.   Strengthen SME capacity and foster the growth and capacity of a sustainable market for business development services (BDS) in Tanzania.
Access to finance for growth.   Broaden access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), specifically women and youth entrepreneurs and those working within agricultural value chains, to facilitate increased investment and growth.

Relevance:  In October 2016, IESC’s partner, Mennonite for Economic Development Associates (MEDA), conducted a Rapid Gender Assessment in the four target districts of the program. The primary purpose of the assessment was to gain a better understanding on the status of women entrepreneurs in the ENGINE Project areas of Mbeya, Iringa, Morogoro and Zanzibar on participation, benefitting from available opportunities, as well as identifying the gaps and challenges they are face especially on growth and productivity of their businesses. As an extension of the Assessment, IESC intends to develop a gender action plan to address these vulnerabilities during implementation of the Project through the different Components’ activities and plans. The main purpose is to strengthen the Project’s work in promoting women’s equal participation and benefitting from the Program’s interventions.

Specific Task(s):  To utilize the outcome of the Rapid Gender Assessment and other relevant information that identified issues affecting women entrepreneurs in the targeted areas, to evaluate current activities and resources and design an action plan for strengthening the Project’s initiatives on women’s economic empowerment and support across all project components. In line with this, the following activities are expected to be undertaken by the volunteer while they’re in Tanzania:

Utilize the Project’s Rapid Gender Assessment and other relevant reports, data, observations from the Project team, planned activities, and the MEL Plan for the work;
May visit the project areas to see the project’s work in the field to talk to project staff for a better understanding on how the project is implemented and also discuss on the issues that are relevant to women empowerment plans and activities at that level;
Review monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) plan and project indicators to ensure women empowerment - focused measures are included;
Write and submit final report to IESC project team for review and approval.

This position is based in Dar es Salaam, with some regional travel to Morogoro, Iringa, Mbeya, and Zanzibar where relevant.


A final report to MEDA. The final report should include:
Recommendations on the way-forward
Recommendations for the project’s work plan and activities
Volunteer Trip Report

Volunteer Qualifications:
Master’s in international development with focus on business and/or rural development fields;
Technical expertise or experience on gender or women and development work will be an added advantage;
Demonstrated technical expertise and experience in programming;
Flexibility and ability to work effectively with a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural team, in a fluid and dynamic environment and to adopt to new challenges;
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Strong team building, relational, interpersonal and communication abilities and skills;
Ability to work effectively and deliver on short - term assignments;
Fluent oral and written English. 
Time management and prioritization skills.
Ability to work autonomously.
 Works well in a multi-cultural setting.

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