Job vacancies at CEMDO Tanzania, Project Officer - NAFASI ZA KAZI


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Job vacancies at CEMDO Tanzania, Project Officer

Empowering People to Sustain Themselves.
Job Type: Mid-level Management Employer Name:

CEMDO Tanzania Organization Type: NGO
Project: UNHCR/CEMDO Tanzania Program
for Provision of Assistance & Protection to Refugees
Department: Programs & Operations Role: Planning, Facilitation, Training, Operations and Business Development Position Type: Full Time Location: Kasulu
Immediate Supervisor Program Coordinator-KASULU
Application Deadline: 15th February 2017

Job summary
Project officer ultimate responsibility include overall implementation of UNHCR/CEMDO Tanzania initiatives in the provision of assistance and protection to refugees. S/he will oversee implementation of humanitarian activities in the project areas including training of community volunteers, community mobilisation and education activities, and supportive supervision of afforestation activities implemented by host communities. The Project officer will plan, coordinate and organize wood resource replacement in identified refugee camp(s) and host communities, to facilitate adoption of energy saving program through demonstration and training to both refugees and host communities. Facilitate the accessibility of forest products e.g. firewood, in host communities & refugees’ camps, and facilitate trees planting program in the refugees’ camp and host villages.
Conduct environmental protection awareness program, including joint patrols, environmental assessment, facilitation of conflict resolution meetings between refugees and host community leaders, and field visits to ensure livelihood and environmental projects are implemented according to approved work plan in both host villages and camps.

Detailed Duties and Responsibilities
Job Responsibility # 1 To coordinate and facilitate the reduction of natural resource degradation and restore natural vegetation through soil erosion control, tree planting, energy saving technologies, community based forest management and water source/catchments management.
 Facilitate soil erosion control in both refugees’ camp and local villages through construction of various gullies structures like check dams, Gabions, U shapes and planting vegetative materials
 Train local community groups, refugees and individuals on seedlings raising, Trees planting and protecting tree seedlings
 Supervise community resource persons (CRPs) within host communities in mobilizing the community on energy saving program adoption
 Work closely with Team Leader in the camp and outside the camp to identify different stove models potentials
 Mobilize and sensitize refugees on the uses of Fuel efficiency stoves, and LPG stoves
 Plan and Facilitate trainings on Environmental awareness, to local communities and refugees
 Develop a mechanism to involve community leaders in community mobilization on energy saving program and livelihood improvement interventions
 Strengthen the environmental guides and environmental committee capacity on the management of natural resources using the stipulated guidelines and reinforce their correct application

Job Responsibility # 2: To plan and manage both refugees and local communities to use the natural resource wisely, sustainably, and in economically viable and environmental sound manner.
 Coordinate and facilitate the development of land use plan in the areas of operation
 Train local communities on introduction and development of Forestry Management (Policies &Law)
 Coordinate and facilitate the demarcation of harvesting site in refugees’ camps and villages forest reserve in local communities
 Plan and conduct training program to refugees and local Tanzanians on the wisely and sustainable harvesting of forest products

Job Responsibility #3: Facilitate and develop the capacity of both refugees and local communities to engage in alternative income generating activities (25% of time)
 Train refugees and local Tanzanians agriculture groups’ members on organic farming techniques packages.
 Support the implementation of saving and credit schemes in local villages
 Facilitate identification of the potential IGAs and support their development
 Facilitate the development of entrepreneurship skills to VS&L/SILC group members, on the selected income generating activities
 Facilitate the development of agricultural groups in the areas of operation
 Train Agricultural group members on organic farming practices
 Train local communities on the poultry development and management, and fish farming

Job responsibility # 4: To strength the linkage between environmental protection and awareness through joint patrol
 Jointly plan and facilitate the environmental task force meeting between environmental committee in camps and local communities.
 Identify gaps and design mechanism to minimize environmental unsound activities in both the camps and local communities
 Facilitate host communities to actively participate in the patrols to protect their Village Forest Reserve
 Participate in raising the community awareness on the current natural resource laws and policies
 Train environmental committee on their roles, responsibilities and scope of work during Patrol and awareness raising activities.

Job responsibility # 5: Conduct approved surveys, and business development on a regular basis.
 Project officer will facilitate operations research in the implementation areas, and ensure for the 100% compliance to applicable protocols on approvals and human subjects.
 Facilitate the conduct of approved studies and surveys aimed at improving our humanitarian activities, and facilitate dissemination of such findings bearing in mind that the intellectual property rights in whatever form, belongs to Employer in the first place, and the project officer as an employee MUST seek permission from the employer, for publishing and dissemination of research/survey findings, seeking to protect and promote the legitimate interests of the organizations and its staff.
 Business development: Project Officer will be responsible in business development. On a day to day basis, s/he will be expected to crosscheck with various sources, and alert on the opportunities for funding. However, the decision for application and/ development of proposals for funding will base on the CEMDO Tanzania’s resources mobilization policy.
 Planning and Budgeting: The Project officer will plan, coordinate and organize project activities such as wood resource replacement in identified refugee camp(s) and host communities, adoption of energy saving, demonstration and trainings to both refugees and host communities etc. Work closely with finance team on effective budgeting for activities under her / his work plan


 A Bachelor's degree in environment, forestry, botany, food & nutrition, agriculture, science (general), geography or sociology.

 At least two (2) years of experience as Project Officer or three (3) years experience as Program Assistant.

 Knowledge in Computer applications, such as word and spreadsheets.
 Good command of English and Swahili.
 Excellent skills in report writing and Power point presentations PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES

 Be honestly and trustworthy

 Determination to succeed

 Be flexible

 Cultural diversity awareness and sensitivity

 Team player

 High integrity and ethical Application Instructions Interested candidates should EMAIL their Application Letters, Photocopies of Academic Certificates, detailed Curriculum Vitae, names of three referees disclosing their occupation, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses to:

Operations & Finance Director, CEMDO Tanzania at : or

Deadline for receiving Applications is at 03:30 PM on Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

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