TCU: Change of Procedures, Requirements and Minimum Entry Qualification for Undergraduate Students - NAFASI ZA KAZI


Saturday, July 16, 2016

TCU: Change of Procedures, Requirements and Minimum Entry Qualification for Undergraduate Students

Tanzania Commission for Universities

1.0. Background
This is to inform the General Public and all Prospective applicants for admission into various undergraduate degree programmes that, pursuant to section 5(1)(c)(i) of the Universities Act, Cap. 346 of the Laws of Tanzania, the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is mandated to provide guidance and monitor criteria for admission to universities in the United Republic of Tanzania. The minimum admission entry qualifications currently in use were approved by the Commission in 2011.

2.0. Rationale for change of Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications
In recent years, there have been concerns from different stakeholders on the quality of candidates being admitted to various universities, hence negatively affecting the quality of training and the resultant output/graduates. Similarly, there are concerns that by lowering the minimum points for admission into university institutions, almost every candidate with two principal passes is eligible to join a university and therefore leaving most of the middle level tertiary institutions without qualified students.

3.0. New Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications
In view of such concerns, the Commission has decided to raise the threshold for the minimum entry points for admission to university education. Thus from the 2016/2017 academic year, the new Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications for Undergraduate Students shall now be as follows:

Category of Applicants: 
1. Completed A-Level studies before 2014
Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications - Two principal passes (Two Ds) with a total of 4.0 points (where A = 5; B = 4; C= 3; D = 2; E = 1).

Category of Applicants: 
2. Completed A-Level studies in 2014 and 2015

Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications -  Two principal passes (Two Cs) with a total of 4.0 points (where A = 5; B+ = 4; B = 3; C= 2; D = 1).

Category of Applicants: 
3. Completed A –Level studies from 2016

Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications -  Two principal passes (Two Ds) with a total of 4.0 points (where A = 5; B = 4; C= 3; D = 2; E = 1).

Category of Applicants: 
4. Recognition of Prior Learning qualification

Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications -  B+ Grade: where A =75-100, B+ = 65-74, B=50-64, C =40-49, D = 35-39, F = 0-38. At least four O’-Level passes (Ds and above) or
NVA Level III with less than four O’-Level passes or equivalent foreign qualifications as established by either NECTA or VETA; AND
i) At least a GPA of 3.5 for Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6); OR
ii) Average of B for Full Technician Certificate (FTC) (where A=5, B=4, C=3, and D=2 points); OR
iii) Average of ‘B+’ Grade for Diploma in Teacher Education; OR
iv) Average of ‘B+’ Grade for Health related awards such as Clinical Medicine and others; OR
v) A Distinction for unclassified diplomas and certificates.

Category of Applicants: 
5. Equivalent applicants

Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications -  vi) Upper Second Class for classified non-NTA

4.0. No Admission into Foundation/Bridging Programmes
All foundation courses/bridging programmes, including University Qualifications Framework Level 6 (UQF6), have been stopped altogether with effect from 2016/2017 academic year. Therefore such programmes are not allowed to admit students.

5.0. Application for Admission into all undergraduate degrees shall be through TCU only

It has also been decided that from 2016/2017 all undergraduate admissions for all categories of applicants stated in paragraph 3.0 above, shall be coordinated by TCU only.
By this notice all prospective applicants, higher education institutions and the public at large, are advised to follow these instructions in order to avoid unnecessary inconveniences during the admission process. Entry requirements and qualifications that are not stated in paragraph 3.0 above shall not be recognised by TCU.

Issued by
The Executive Secretary
Tanzania Commission for Universities
11th July, 2016

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